Monthly Archives: September 2022

Lunchtime Sports Sessions


I apologise for not relaying this information earlier. There has been some confusion over when these sessions will be starting.

From next week your child can participate in a lunchtime football club, Year 4 on a Wednesday and Year 5 on a Friday. Due to the field being muddy sometimes, we are asking that if your child wishes to take part they must please bring sports clothes (t-shirt/shorts or tracksuit bottom) with trainers.

The children are allowed to get changed in the classroom before they take part.

First week back


What a wonderful first week! It has been lovely to see so many smiley faces and we have had a great time establishing rules for the classroom and enjoying hearing about each others adventures during the holidays. I believe it is going to be a fantastic year!

Just a few reminders: Year 5 need to arrive at school for 8.30 am on Mondays for their swimming lesson. Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and is to be handed in on the following Monday. Homework will comprise of reading, maths, spelling and grammar.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend x

Reading in Y4/5


Your child has come home today with their reading record book. When your child has read a book they are to complete one of the reading reviews. This can then be shown to me and I will give them a sticker. When a child has received 6 stickers they are to see the head teacher for an award.

The children have access to any book in the class reading corner however they are encouraged to read any books from home, a library etc …

PE Day


Please note that our PE day will be on a Monday. Your child is to come in sports kit on this day.

Year 5 will have swimming first lesson on a Monday whilst Year 4 will complete an indoor PE activity.

The children will have a SportsEd session on a Monday afternoon.

Welcome to Y4/5


I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and it has been wonderful to see your child back in school. We are having a lovely week of getting to know you activities and the routines for the year ahead.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch either through or see me at the end of a school day.